Knife Edge Auditions



Every day comes down to moments. Moments of decision, or change. Moments that fall between ‘before’ and ‘after’. Moments where you’re balanced on the edge of who you are and who you might be. Do you reach for it or don’t you?

Knife Edge explores pivotal moments in life, in relationships, and in self-discovery as the characters dissect, carve up and attempt to cut through to a deeper understanding of themselves and each other.

Knife Edge is set in Melbourne in the present day.

  • Auditions

    Wednesday 26 February 7-9pm and Saturday 1 March, 2-4pm

    Season Dates - May 2025

    Friday 9th May, 7.30pm, Saturday 10th May, 7.30pm, Sunday 11th May, 2.00pm

    Friday 16th May, 7.30pm, Saturday 17th May, 7.30pm, Sunday 18th May, 2.00pm

    Thursday 22th May, 7.30pm, Friday 23rd May, 7.30pm, Saturday 24th May, 7.30pm


    Routine rehearsals will be 7:30-9:30pm on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and 1-4pm Sunday.  The first read thru will be on Tuesday 18th March.

    Actors need to be able to commit unconditionally not only for the entire performance season but also for all scheduled rehearsals at which their attendance is required.

  • AMANDA (F) Mid 30s – Sell knives. married to Miles. Dissatisfied with her life.

    MILES (M) Mid 30s – A counsellor, married to Amanda. Somewhat oblivious.

    KAYLA (F) Mid 30s – An accountant, married to Jack. Feels insecure.

    JACK (M) Mid 30s – Professional, married to Kayla. Wants to do the right thing.

    LORETTA (F) Mid 30s – Miles’ ex-wife, mother of his children.

    Ages are indicative and approximate only. An actor’s true age may be different from the age of the character, if they look and sound right for the part. Please do not hesitate to audition because you are uncertain about the suitability of your age.

    Ages are indicative and approximate only. An actor’s true age may be different from the age of the character. Please do not hesitate to audition because you are uncertain about the suitability of your age.

    We are seeking performers from a wide range of cultural and linguistically diverse backgrounds, gender identities and body types to be part of this play. The creative team are open to different interpretations of the character descriptions.

  • Auditions will be 15 minute sessions.

    We recommend that you familiarise yourself with the play and be able to describe the “story”. A copy of the script is available from the director (see below for contact details).

    Auditions will involve reading from specified sections of the script. There is no need to memorise anything for the audition, audition pieces will be available on the day.

    Please arrive at least 10 minutes early to review the audition pieces.

Enquiries: Deborah Fabbro or 0416 141 838

Book an audition

Complete the form below to book your audition time.