The Actor's Experience

by Karen Shnider

Walking into the audition room any time can be nerve-racking. But this audition was probably one of the most fun auditions I have ever experienced and boy I have had a few of them! Director Robyn Morris made me feel so at ease in the process. When asked "who are you auditioning for?" my reply was "whoever I am allowed to!" Robyn gave me poetic licence to audition for two and did not rush the process at all. I was made to feel so comfortable.


I was absolutely thrilled to get the role of " Norah" as this was the role I really wanted.  I  soon discovered in the rehearsals ahead, Robyn directs by giving her actors that licence to develop their roles in the manner in which they envisage their characters to be in the play.  Robyn demonstrates respect and belief in her chosen actors allowing them to develop and come up with their own ideas for their respective roles.  With Robyn, nothing is ever an issue. Her calm inviting manner brings out the best in everyone which makes her so approachable.

They Came From Mars and Landed Outside the Farndale Avenue Church is a play within a play so characterisation can be quite challenging at times developing the character as the Farndale character intermittently with the role that character is playing in their play about Mars! You have to see it to believe it! Often the dialogue is interspersed with both characters and as actors, we are playing two to three roles each throughout the play.

Working with Neil, Annie, Georgy and Meredith is an absolute delight. The more mishaps that happened during rehearsals, the more we laughed and the more Georgy, Meredith and Annie will say: "Let’s keep that in"!!! 

Neil, Annie Georgy and Meredith's talent and creativity are evident both on stage and behind the scenes.  The set, painting and props are the work of this incredibly talented cast, with the support and work of a team of other talented people such as Chris, Fiona and Steve.  Fiona and Steve also had their work cut out for them backstage as you will see as well as delivering the lines of their out of sight roles in the play. They
too were so much a part of the fun rehearsal period.


I believe as a cast we brought out the best in each other for developing characters and movement on stage.  Ideas were explored, tried and developed as a team. Both Annie and Georgy have had a wealth of experience with the Farndale plays and their input was invaluable in the development of our roles on stage with Robyn's guidance. Speaking for myself, I felt very supported by Neil and Annie and Georgy became my second pair of hands! Meredith is always there to lean on as you will see in the show!

I could not write this article without mentioning the work of Jenni in creating our costumes! Jenni’s vision of robots and martians are so much a part of the whacky Farndale experience.

I have enjoyed every moment of the Farndale experience and will cherish the memories always. I hope I have the pleasure of working with Robyn again and hope that my path crosses with this wonderful cast sometime in the future on the stage.