by Debbie Keyt, director
“Looking forward to things is half the pleasure of them”.
At the time of writing it is 27 weeks since we commenced our ‘dramatic pause’ and approximately 19 weeks (140 days) until we recommence rehearsals and approximately just over 33 weeks (237 days) till opening night 2021.
During our extended hiatus, we’ve kept connected in spirit and made sure everyone’s creativity is nurtured. To that end, we’ve been very busy and our cast have been given fun creative challenges such as: ‘A Day in the Life’ journal entry for their character; an Avonlea 1881/2 challenge to live without all mod cons for a morning, afternoon or day to try and imagine what it would be like to live in the time our show is set; letters to their future selves for our younger cast highlighting their hopes and aspirations and letters to their younger selves for our mature cast, with words of wisdom and advice.
The current challenge is to devise a playlist for their character, highlighting songs from various genres and eras but those with lyrics that sum up each character and particular events in their lives. Many excerpts of these activities have been shared on social media and our website.
We’ve also had several Zoom catch-ups including a watch party for ‘The Songs of Anne & Gilbert’ concert streamed from Prince Edward Island.
We’re all very much looking forward to gathering together again later in the year for a much anticipated Avonlea Picnic in celebration of the author of the Anne books, Lucy Maud Montgomery’s birthday.
It will be so very exciting to resume rehearsals again and when we finally reach our season, what a splendid celebration that will be.