To My Dear Bosom Friend and the Kindred Spirits of Avonlea

from Lynda French


Today’s the day when all of us,  will stop, look,.. and ponder,
As we contemplate our future days,
And chose which way we wander.

Let’s think and meander back, .. to our first day at Avonlea,
Did we know that day we would find Bosom friends?
And a brand new family.

The journey has had so many bumps, and we’ve been tossed around,
The scourge that tried to bring us down,
Made us stronger we have found.

Our leader kept us calm, and soothed the worried heart,
And so, …. we stayed together,
But now it is time to part.

But not a parting of our souls, no that can never be,
My friends we will always carry with us,
Our love of Avonlea.

The days and years that come to us.. we will always share,
Because our bond is strong enough,
To make us ever care.

I give you all a tiny piece, of my full and happy heart,
It will stay with you, wherever you go,
Kindred spirits never part.

So, take the path that finds you now, and look ahead to see,
The many joys you have today,
Were found in Avonlea.