2021 Presidents Annual General Meeting Report

A reflection on 2020

by Trevor Osburn

2020 was certainly a challenging year, starting with bushfires over the summer, followed by COVID-19 and lockdown. We all had our own individual challenges, but as we enter 2021 there is much to be optimistic about. Despite 2020's challenges, we still have much to be proud of.                                                

We did get one production on stage

In March 2020 we successfully produced one play They Came From Mars and Landed Outside the Farndale Ave Church Hall which played to very good houses. We thank Robyn Morris as director and her cast and crew who persevered in uncertain and trying times to present a very funny show just prior to the initial lockdowns in Victoria.

Our second planned production of 2020  Anne & Gilbert - the Musical had completed their audition process and was in full swing with rehearsals. Unfortunately with increasing restrictions due to COVID-19, the Committee decided to defer Anne & Gilbert - the Musical to 2021 and cancel the remaining productions pending clarity on 2021.

We would like to thank the countless people, production teams and cast members who have contributed hours of hard work and dedication to our 2020 season. Although the Committee was deeply saddened by the postponement of our 2020 season, the health and wellbeing of our community was our first priority.

One fundraising activity that was completed was our Biggest (& Latest) Morning Tea Concert that went ahead ‘virtually’ in 2020 and still raised $1322.00. Thank you to Debbie Keyt for her organizing and everyone who supported it.

BIO Box upgrade

Our Bio Box (where our lighting and sound experts sit) was a wonderful addition to the theatre in 2007, however, over the years, we realized that it didn't meet the ever-changing needs of the Theatre or our productions.

While we understood what we would like to do,  Duncan Thompson Extensions volunteered their time and energy to rebuild the Bio Box area, moving stairs and extending raised platforms. Duncan Thompson Extensions also accepted the management responsibilities of the project. Their expertise in dealing with local council requirements was outstanding. We would like to thank Brontee French for all her administration work in moving the project forward.

Due to COVID-19 builders had a number of restrictions placed on them but because the building was empty during that time Duncan Thompson Extensions could work around those restrictions and keep their workers safe.

Our sincere thank you to Lynda & Chris French who are not only friends of Beaumaris Theatre but have provided a range of donations to the Theatre over the last few years. As Directors of Duncan Thompson Extension, they have provided great assistance to our Theatre and we thank them for their significant contribution and continued support.

Supporters of Beaumaris Theatre

We would also like to thank Bayside City Council for their ongoing assistance with the maintenance of our building and in 2020 we successfully applied for the Bayside City Council  COVID-19 Rent Waiver Scheme.

The Bendigo Bank has also been important support over the years for Beaumaris Theatre and continued to do so in 2020. 

The Janine Chugg award for 2020 awarded to  Kristina Doucouliagos

Kristina has been on the Beaumaris Theatre Committee since 2008 and for many years has looked after our digital communications including social media and website. She has been outstanding in this and I urge everyone to check out the beautiful website we now have - it's a work of art!

Back in March before the COVID-19 really hit the Committee decided that we would keep the Beaumaris Theatre community involved and up to date with Kristina posting social media updates daily and regular newsletters.

Kristina volunteered to run a small program of videos off our digital channels to maintain a connection to our patrons. This started our Monologues May series that then evolved into Theatre in the Home with.

There is a huge amount of work and time that goes on behind the scenes including communication with all the performers, reminders, collecting and uploading the videos and presenting them in a very professional manner. The performances are revered by other companies and individuals and thoroughly enjoyed by our followers. By the end of 2020, we shared 91 videos and will continue to share more into the new year.

We thank Kristina most sincerely for the outstanding job she has done so far and continues to do providing online entertainment via social media with the Theatre at Home with series.

Health & Safety
Our Health and Safety Committee -  Lynda French, Steve Morris Alex Ashcroft and Trevor Osburn -  have worked tirelessly over the last 12 months dealing with COVID-19 and its implications.

The  COVID-19 changes, restrictions and lockdowns have created an ever-changing health environment and whilst the Theatre world - both for-profit and not-for-profit sectors have been genuinely supportive of each other keeping abreast of these changes has required a level of diligence way above the standard not-for-profit theatre.

Lynda took on the daunting task of working with the coronations of legislation and guidelines and developing the necessary COVID-19 plan required. We now have in place a COVID-19 safe plan & policy statement compliant with Government recommendations and in keeping with guidelines for theatres.

There are 6 main guidelines we need to include in our plan under the entertainment industry requirements. For set builds our plan will follow the construction industry guidelines and requirements. The planning includes a high level of detail including;

  • A QR code for Beaumaris Theatre

  • All information received by patrons using this code goes directly to the government

  • There will be a register for those who don’t have the technology to access the QR code and those records need to be kept for 28 days

  • We will continue working to ensure our audience seating and distancing

  • We will measure out 1.5-metre distances and put markers in the foyer and outside the theatre

  • Our plan will include a cleaning policy and cleaning register and the supply of sanitiser and thermometers to check cast crew and audience members on entry

  • Ask visitors to our theatre to declare they haven’t been overseas or are unwell or in close contact with anyone with COVID-19

  • Our FOH volunteers will have a COVID-19 checklist

  • Perspex for the ticket box/bar will be investigated

Sincere thanks to Lynda for all her hard and ongoing work on our COVID-19 safe plan and for ensuring the safety of us and our members and visitors. 

Due to some easing of restrictions of gatherings later in 2020 we held a special Talbots event to celebrate Beaumaris Theatre and in particular our Beaumaris Theatre Family and was inspired by the final event at Talbot House in  1958 called An Evening in the Garden.

This special Talbots were held at Illaroo Reserve in Wells Road. We invited our faithful followers to dress in their finery and bring along picnic blankets or chairs and a gourmet picnic dinner and drinks and enjoying some entertainment.

Amelia Joughlin, Amy Gridley, Justin Royce and Omar Moustafa were invited to perform some acoustic songs, duets and solos. Fred Pezzimenti provided a beautifully lit setting amongst the trees. We would also like to thank our Talbots sub-committee, Debbie Keyt, Chris Hunter, Kristina Doucouliagos and Amelia Joughlin, for all their hard work in organising this wonderful night.

Our "Tabots" celebration night continues to evolve and we look forward to future Talbots celebrations of our Theatre.

Some  COVID-19 impacts on our theatre in 2020 included

  • 3 of our 4 productions were deferred to 2021 for reassessment

  • Our building was effectively empty for 7 months of the year

  • No income was generated past March 2020

  • Costs continued to be met but with some discounts applied due to  COVID-19   

  • We effectively sustained our way through the year on accumulated savings

  • Only one charity undraising activity could be held in 2020

  • No classes, set builds or meetings could be held between March and December

The Beaumaris Theatre Committee members have not changed over the last 3 years.  As President of Beaumaris Theatre, I hope that we continue to harness the strengths of the individual to achieve collective success. I would like to acknowledge Steve Morris, Robyn Morris, Debbie Keyt, Jenni Osburn, Chris Hunter, Fred Pezzimenti, Deb Carpenter, Dan Bellis, Amelia Joughlin, Lynda French and Kristina Doucouliagos,

The winds of change can easily blow you off course without the discipline to keep your eye on the prize.  In these difficult times, we need to both flexible and resolute as we march into 2021. We need to seek ways to drive our culture of delivering outstanding theatre productions but in a  COVID-19 safe environment. Will theatre change in the future? Undoubtedly. But we need to remain on course and deliver 'Theatre for All'.