Drama classes are back!

After a very long wait drama classes are returning to Beaumaris Theatre this February.

D.K Productions offers drama classes for all ages and skill levels in a fun and supportive learning environment.

Founded in 2001, D.K Productions offers weekday classes with an emphasis is on building confidence for shy students and providing an avenue for outgoing children to showcase their talents.

"Our daughter has learned how to project her voice and speak confidently in front of an audience, has gained wonderful friendships, and increased self-esteem in the process. Whether your child is a budding actor or is shy and reserved they will benefit from these classes."

— Cindy, parent


Our nurturing program encourages students to develop at their own pace, work to their strengths, and rise to new and stimulating challenges. We focus on voice projection, diction, and enunciation through acting and storytelling in a fabulous theatre environment. We also play games to inspire imagination and creativity.


Masterclass is for adults who want to learn more about the fundamentals of the performing arts and brush up on skills for presentations and public speaking. Classes focus on audition techniques, character development, script analysis, improvisation, stagecraft, and vocal work.

_Our daughter has learned how to project her voice and speak confidently in front of an audience, has gained wonderful friendships, and increased self-esteem in the process. Whether your child is a budding actor or i (2).png