In the Spotlight - Alex Ashcroft

Alex Ashcroft has been part of the Beaumaris Theatre community for many years, helping to build countless sets, starring in productions such as Echoes and Pillow Talk as well as being part of our OH&S Sub-Committee. Ahead of his performance as Jack in Jack & the Beanstalk - a Pantomime, we put Alex in the spotlight.

What do you love about your character?

Jack is just a bundle of fun to play - the nicest (if not the brightest) guy around who just wants to do his best for his friends and family. He wears his heart on his sleeve, and gives me plenty of opportunities to smile out of character!

What are you most looking forward to with this production?

I'm such a big fan of panto - truthfully if I wasn't in this show I'd have been buying tickets to opening night!

I'm looking forward to every part of it - seeing the cast have more and more fun as they get wrapped up in the panto spirit, hearing the banter back and forth with the audience (and taking part in it myself), and generally looking forward to all the laughter that's going to follow!

Without giving anything away, what’s your favourite line of dialogue from the show?

Tough question... I will say that our Fairy has some brilliant lines (both written and improvised) that have me in fits off-stage!

Who is the show is most like their character?

Another tough one! Georgy absolutely carries the same air of mischief as her Fairy, though Amy radiates just as much sunlight as her Jill... I'm going to go with Steve for the King's terrible, *terrible* dad jokes.

What will the audience be talking about in the car home from this show?

Daisy Buttercup - absolutely no question!

When you are not on stage, where can you be found?

Either buried deep in a book (generally either by Terry Pratchett or some old/new classic sci-fi) or rolling a set of dice at a D&D table!

What was your most memorable theatrical experience?

I had spectacular fun playing the ghastly Jacob Marley, though I think for memorableness it's hard to beat my final exit in MTC's Out of Order that left my character wondering where his towel was...

What was your first ever role on stage?

That was so long ago! If not my first, the earliest role I remember was playing Alonso the Lion Tamer in a play written by the youth theatre I was with at the time. ...I'm pretty sure my Italian accent hasn't improved since then!

What is your dream role?

Back in Year 7, I played Prospero in The Tempest, and while people enjoyed the show it's definitely a role that benefits from having some years behind you. Someday I'd love to revisit the role, hopefully, with the gravitas and greys, the role deserves!

To see Alex in Jack & The Beanstalk - a Pantomime, join the waitlist for early access to tickets