In the Spotlight - George Klesman

George Klesman is making his Beaumaris Theatre debut in Jack & the Beanstalk - a Pantomime this May as Jasper and Dryad. We asked George to step into the spotlight to get to know one of the youngest cast members better.

What do you love about your character?

I love that Jasper speaks about what he is thinking and how he stands up to the witches.

What are you most looking forward to with this production?

I am looking forward to bringing these wonderful characters to life and being part of a production. 

Without giving anything away, what’s your favourite line of dialogue from the show?

My favourite line of mine in the show is, “You don’t scare me you’ve got bad breath and warts on your nose.”

What will the audience be talking about in the car home from this show?

I believe the audience will be talking about the different plots that are seen throughout the show. 

When you are not on the stage, where can you be found?

I’m in grade five at school and spend a lot of time practising and writing music.  I have written and recorded a song and released it on Spotify.  It’s called New Day.

What was your most memorable theatrical experience?

As this is my first show, I can confidently say that this will be!

What is your dream role?

My dream role is P.T Barnum in The Greatest Showman.

To see George in Jack & The Beanstalk - a Pantomime, click to book your tickets.